1. “When we’re in the process of falling in love, our brain naturally creates barriers for the fresh feelings by exposing us to that person’s flaws. That’s where we’re given a choice. Whether to break those barriers or to be bound by them. If we do, we’ve chosen to overlook those flaws for the sake of something worth miles more. Being perfect internally as well as externally would make us incapable of feeling love because love isn’t what appears to be eye candy, but the voluntary action of choosing to see what we desire. The moment we command our brains to let someone’s perfections overpower their imperfections, that’s when we’ve felt love.” 2. “Brief moments of glee during a continuous journey of struggle e.g., laughing with a toddler is God’s way of making you realize how life is still worth living even when you’ve hit rock bottom. A pizza at 3 with a friend on the roof of your car during a cold winter night after a massive day of storming disappointments. They make us realize nothing bad is ever consistently bad and nothing good is ever consistently good. We live for the tomorrows, we wipe our moist faces every day in the hope for a better dawn, since as humans our todays shall never satisfy us.” 3. “Your life gets hard not when you can’t fall asleep, but when you learn nothing from those sleepless nights.” 4. “Sunsets make me want to fix everything wrong have done; reach out to everyone I have missed. Caress these birds, cherish every creature and blessing. Each moment we let flow with our busy, egoistic, ignorant lives; but as orange wipes away to drop the veil of a dark, dark sky, I realize. Do these birds need me as much? I’m not the only one running out of time, everyone is. Filling the voids of my life by my desires only if there’s a guarantee that not only those desires complete me, but I complete them too.” 5. “When you feel your efforts aren’t being reciprocated, stop making them. The person who you’re investing so much for is suffering more by receiving your warmth than you are by the imbalance. Remember, having something unwanted is worse than having nothing.” 

Tehniyat Rizwan Inter II (Pre Medical)
