Smell rusted parchment today,
Under the cosy blankets you lay,
There are so many mysteries to unfold,
Before all the little secrets are told,
Dreaming during the heavy thunder,
With Alice you unfold the wonders,
Clutch the book
Tightly to your chest,
And watch the bird sleep in its nest,
You have the Hogwarts feasts to eat,
All those witches you have to greet,
Your day starts with a cup of coffee and that’s when
you meet dobby.
You have a vast world to explore to build a castle on
the seashore,
The three headed dog guards the treasure,
Many you have the strength to bore the pressure,
The doors of library are open for you when you feel
extremely blue
These are perks of loving a book reason why I would
rather read than cook.
Zeenia Hassan VIII Purple
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